Our coaches are gearing up for the next soccer season, preparing special name-tag stickers and brand new soccer shirts to give to our burgeoning soccer players. As parents, you will likely be speaking to your child about what to expect in class, especially if this will be his or her first experience on the soccer field or in an organized sport.
In the Pro Soccer Kids family, we promote fair play, respect for each other, skill-building, and positive attitude. We hope that you will instill those ideals in your children as well. We’re all here to grow, practice, learn and improve— and of COURSE, we’re going to have FUN while doing it! We hope that you help us by encouraging good sportskidship both on and off the soccer field.
A few more suggestions for the first day:
- Bring water, so that your little one can stay hydrated. Our coaches offer regular water breaks.
- Arrive 5 minutes early to class, so that your child can be introduced to the coaches and become comfortable within the class environment.
- For younger players, it is wonderful for parents to help facilitate new introductions between the kids, and to encourage making new friends.
- Give reassurance that our coaches have plenty of soccer balls, cones, and stickers for all of our players.
- Let your child know that the coach will be teaching lots of fun and challenging games, so it is important to use good listening skills and watch as the coach demonstrates what to do.
- Everyone will have a turn, but, patience and good listening are important values in our classes.
Remind your little Pro Soccer Kid that they will see familiar faces on the Magic Carpet, perhaps an old friend from summer soccer, or maybe even a teammate they haven’t seen since the springtime, and many new faces as well! They may see a favorite coach or meet an awesome new one, and the coach will be giving lots of high fives, both on the first day and throughout the season!
We hope that you and your child are as excited as we are for the beginning of the new season here at PSK! Our coaches have some fun games ready to go, so be sure sneakers are tied tight, water bottles are filled, and your child is ready to score some goals. We’ll see YOU on the field!