Soccer is in full swing. It’s exciting and we appreciate the various ways to express enthusiasm. We are all passionate about soccer and it is easy to get carried away in the excitement of a game.
It’s important to be supportive and positive in your cheering for your child. Choose words carefully, encourage fair play, good sportskidship, and positive reinforcement. This extends off the field towards other parents as well. We lead by example for our young athletes, so it is helpful if us parents do our best to treat each other with kindness on the sidelines.
Thank you for being supportive in teaching children how to play fairly, to respect personal boundaries of others, and to use healthy verbal communication both on and off the pitch. We appreciate the lessons you offer at home to support treating others properly on the field. Thanks for taking a moment to reflect on good ways to inspire and encourage your child, as well as all the other players, both on your team and on the other side. Competition is healthy, as long as we keep in mind safety, respect and fair treatment of all players in the process.
Thanks for all you do as parents and thanks for being a part of our soccer program!